Thursday, November 29, 2007

"So what's the plan now?"

That's the question that I keep getting asked by everyone at home, everyone here in Argentina, even people I've just met - they are all asking me the same question.

"So what's the plan now?"

And each time I answer differently, because I don't really know exactly. But I guess it goes something like this (amongst a lot of um-ing and ah-ing):

"Well my first priority is to learn spanish properly, because I'm hopeless at it and I need to knuckle down and learn it so I can avoid all the frustrating moments I continually have, and so I can converse with Marcela's friends and family beyond spanglish, hand gestures and her translations.

"I'd also like to do a bit of travelling in Argentina as there are tons of places I haven't seen yet. Starting in December we are going up to Iguazu falls on the border with Brazil and Paraguay for a few days which should be great.

"And of course I have some hobbies that I'd like to spend some time on, like playing cricket, carving some tikis, playing guitar, learning harmonica, keeping fit etc.

"Oh... and work... yes well I guess I will probably have to look for something eventually, but at the moment it's not a priority as the tax cheque and recent work stint in Oz can keep me going here well into next year (I hope), so we'll tackle that problem later.

"If nothing great comes up here, then the plan is to head over to London by mid-next year so I can do some contracting work, pay off bills, catch up with friends, attend Rico and Hannah's wedding and maybe see a bit of Europe. But it's not so simple for Marcela who has to work out a way of getting a work visa for the UK... and if she lands her dream job here in Buenos Aires next year, which is a remote chance but won't be till March or so, then that will all change...

So, my plans are crystal clear right?

EDIT: I am going to be meeting with an Australian mining company that works here in Argentina about some possible work here next year, so maybe I could be working here after all...

Friday, November 23, 2007


So I guess I have to change the title of this blog - or at least the description over there on the right hand side - because I slipped back into the working life recently... BUT thankfully I escaped the clutches of that terribly debilitating disease after just 3 weeks. And I think I gained an even stronger desire to keep that "W" word away for even longer, if that could have been at all possible.

I quietly crept back into Australia recently to attend my best mate's wedding, and at the same time introduce my Argentine girlfriend to family and friends. It was a great two weeks showing Marcela how superb Australia's beaches, cities, people and beers are (and how well Australians can consume said beers, something she still is amazed by!). We went to Sydney, Byron Bay, Gold Coast, Brisbane, Sunshine Coast etc etc. Straight after the wedding she had to fly back to Buenos Aires, and I stayed in Brisbane to work for 3 weeks at my old company to fend off some credit card fires. The cash injection was nice to say the least, and that together with a healthy tax cheque from last financial year may keep me going here in Argentina for a few months at least...?

I also confess this post has nothing to do with South America, but here's some pics anyway:

Three icons of Sydney

I almost forgot how brilliant the beaches are around Qld and northern NSW - Marcela loved them too. We even stayed at Noosa with Willie Carne who is married to Marcela's Australian friend - nice!

Almost the whole family in one place at one time, including Muttley.

The innovation of the Sushi Train hasn't hit Argentina yet so was quite a hit with Marcela.

Jimmy's wedding day - the lads getting ready...

Calming Jimmy's nerves outside the church with some cool ones (Jimmy closest to camera).

Hi Hoody!

Nothing like seeing a bride and well dressed guests playing barefoot bowls at the reception.

Bride and groom strolling across the green.... ahhh...

Later in the night with Rowie behind the camera cracking jokes (or maybe just slurring indecipherably) just before taking a picture of us with my Mum and Dad. There's no hiding my blindingly white skin next to Marcela but at least this photo shows who I can blame!

Even later still and Wiseacre steal the wedding bands instruments to play a few of the old "hits" - looks like at least 3 people remembered the glory days...